Nama : Millah Aulia
Npm : 19211528
Kelas : 4ea04
Healthy House
i become a successful woman, i have a dream to have my own HEALTHY HOUSE.
Healthy house is a place where you can do many activities to make your life
healthier, like a fitness center, sport station, dan a restaurant which serve
you with healthy food’s from organic ingredient’s. Healthy House is very
recommended for a people with healthy lifestyle and go on diet. Healthy House
is located in Depok, West Java. Choosen this location because Depok seems like
doesn’t have a healthy life facility. Healthy House can be visited by many
people from childern, teenager, even a family.
our healthy center, Healthy House offer comprehensive programs of exercise,
nutrition, behavioral classes, and stress reduction to individuals, groups, and
corporations. Health coaching is a specialized skill designed to engage and
create personal partnerships with members, and it is core to our approach. Health
coaches help to define, support, and attain short and long-term health goals
and to navigate the often-confusing options in the medical system. The coaching
relationship can sustain healthy behaviors and reduce both development of
chronic bad habbit like smoking, junk food lover, and couch-potato. The reason
behind Healthy House is I want give the cosiness, and convenience to relieve
the visitor’s fatigue.
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